Deserts: Cassandra – Philoctetes –an adaptation by Apollonia Tsanta and Sofia Stavrakaki

Conceptualization – Performance by Sofia Stavrakaki


The “political” tragedy of the surviving ancient dramatic epic unfolds on stage in the form of a monologue of the hero, emphasizing the reasoning and the introvert essence of the tragedy, posing  for the first time key questions about the acceptance of the different… Cassandra by Lycophron through her cursed prophetic ability causes the destruction of her people. Two mythical figures as “strangers” in the same scene, on a crossroad, discover the loneliness of the humans and discover the utopian value of power, gender, different…

The play premiered  on May 29, 2016 at the “Melina Mercouri” Theatre of the University of Patras, it was presented at the end of the 1st Classic Textbook Reception Symposium , held by the  Philology Research team “Jocasta Classical Reception” of the University of Patras.