ContactEuropean programmesNews ACCESS Tampere Festival ACCESS Tampere Festival ΘΕΑΜΑ Συμπεριληπτικό Θέατρο - Theama Inclusive Theatre with Έξις - Συμπεριληπτική Ομάδα…theamaadmin16 April 2023
ContactEuropean programmesNews CONTACT – JST Meeting – Athens (Day 3) CONTACT - JST Meeting - Athens (Day 3) Walk. Move. Pause. Change. DanceAbility method in…theamaadmin1 October 2021
ContactEuropean programmesNews CONTACT – JST Meeting (Day 2) CONTACT - JST Meeting (Day 2) Walk. Move. Pause. Change. DanceAbility method in Contact Project.…theamaadmin30 September 2021
ContactEuropean programmesNews CONTACT – JST Meeting – Athens (Day 1) CONTACT - JST Meeting - Athens (Day 1) "Contact" (Erasmus+) at ΙΣΟΝ Θέατρο - Χορός!…theamaadmin28 September 2021
ContactEuropean programmesNews CONTACT – Kick off Meeting (KOM) CONTACT - Kick off Meeting (KOM) CONTACT Within the framework of ERASMUS+ program for Strategic…theamaadmin19 March 2021